Every letter is unique animation. 3D animated. Numbers included. Fully sounded. For kids to have fun and LEARN at the same time. Touchable and Playable. Great experience for babies, toddlers and pre-school kids. Use to to tell the stories. Have fun!
A - for Airplane
B - for Bee
C - for Car
D - for Dog
E - for Elephant
F - for Frog
G - for Giraffe
H - for Horse
I - for Island
J - for Jeep
K - for Kangaroo
L - for Letter
M - for Music
N - for Nurse
O - for Owl
P - for Policeman
Q - for Question
R - for Rooster
S - for Samurai
T - for Tank
U - for Umbrella
V - for Village
W - for Walk
X - for Xmass
Y - for Yellow
Z - for Zero